Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Opening Promotion

OK, I had been thinking of this for so long and try to celebrate our opening,and after much deliberate, I am planning to give you guys a special promotion rate on the pictures we are selling.

Normal Price of the pictures are still remaining the same,it's 1 @ $1
The special promotion comes in is when you buy in bulk.Below are the list of prices if you get the number of pictures.
10pcs - $8
15pcs - $12
20pcs - $15
30pcs - $24

Anyone order above 30pcs, we are selling them at the constant rate of $0.80 per picture.
Sounds fair and cheap and nice?
We are just hoping that you will go and advertise for us about our amazing DKPop Customization and tell your friend to buy from us.

This Special Rate is :

Thank you for shopping with us. Place your order today~!!